There are a lot of copywriters out there, and a lot of companies offering copywriting services. But do you need them? Surely, anyone with a laptop can write. And if not, can’t you just use AI? Here are 15 reasons why you need professional copywriting.
Professional copywriting means hiring people who aren’t on their first rodeo. Writers who’ve seen many, many copywriting briefs before and know how to get to the solution quickly and elegantly. Dealing with an inexperienced or amateur copywriter might appear to be the cheaper option but mistakes mean rewrites, and time is money. Professional copywriters have the experience to know how long a job will take. They know what information to ask for up front. And they know how to manage expectations and process your feedback.
It seems obvious but it’s worth saying. Professional copywriters are professional, precisely because people are happy to pay them for the quality of their work. They’re good and have proven abilities. They can show you examples of work to reassure you. They will do a better job.
Tone of voice is a crucial element of copywriting and professional copywriters are masters at understanding how to use it. After all, not every brand or message should sound the same. Some brands are funny, others are serious. Some messages are urgent, some playful. Knowing what tone is appropriate is a skill few possess, and that amateurs get wrong. Often with unintentionally hilarious or embarrassing results.
A professional copywriter will take the time to get under the skin of your brand and develop a consistent approach. So your customers will feel your brand is consistent and reliable. This factor is often hard for people to put their finger on, but they’ll notice when something feels ‘off’.
Consistency should never be an excuse for predictability or dull sameness. Professional copywriters know how to change things just enough to keep your messaging fresh. Copy that surprises and delights gets read. You can say all the right things but if no one notices your message you’re wasting your time.
Professionalism means you can have adult conversations with your copywriter. Being a prima donna might be fine in the world of literature but in commercial writing it’s a pain in the thesaurus. Professional copywriters can sit down with you and take a brief, asking questions to make sure they properly understand. They can accept feedback and respond to it constructively. And they can take away a problem, rather than add to your stress.
Professional copywriters are much more than one trick ponies. Not only are they able to write for different brands, adopting a different tone for each. They’re also able to write in different media. A good one will be just as comfortable writing a blog post as a pithy tweet. A white paper or a TikTok script. An ad or a brand guidelines document. Finding a properly versatile one allows you to maintain the consistency mentioned in point four.
The job of copy is to sell. As the famous adman David Ogilvy said, “We sell. Or else.” It’s not art, it’s commerce, and a professional will appreciate that the end goal is to shift product. As a client, it’s reassuring to know your writer has the same goal as you. They may be writing a novel in their spare time but they’re writing copy that sells on yours.
It can sometimes be lonely when you have a product or service to tell the world about. A professional copywriter gives you support and takes away some of the responsibility. It can often be difficult to let go of tasks but with the right person onboard, writing is one you can comfortably delegate.
A good writer will also have the confidence to speak up if something doesn’t appear right to them. ‘Yes’ people are no use to you when you’re paying for professional advice. But a professional will be able to alert you to any potential issues or pitfalls, discuss them, and find a solution. They may write copy that you weren’t expecting (see no.5 ‘Surprise’) but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Sometimes you may need to be challenged to let go of any preconceptions that might be holding you back.
The best copywriting relationships are based on partnership and shared values. You need to be able to trust the advice you’re receiving. And your writer needs to know that their expertise is valued. Often it’s much easier to change the work than the people. So it’s worth teaming up with someone who has the nimbleness to adapt, rather than going through the hassle of starting again with someone else.
Good writers simply don’t have ‘off’ days. Again, this points us back to the meaning of ‘professional’. Anyone can have a good idea or turn a neat phrase once. But the ability to do it day in, day out, on demand is the mark of a professional copywriter. You need to know that when you need them to come up with the goods, they will. Reliably.
You should look forward to reading your writer’s work. It should flow effortlessly, leading you from sentence to sentence without any jarring interruptions. The same goes for your customers. The famous copywriter Howard Luck Gossage said, “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes it’s an ad.” The same applies to websites, social posts, articles, whatever. The best copy seduces people into reading from start to finish.
Successful brands are built on memorability. Good copywriting provides you with memorable turns of phrase, a tone of voice your customers relate to, and messaging that makes an impact. After all, no one’s going to choose you if they can’t remember you.
Professionalism is a combination of all of the above and more. Norman Mailer said, “There’s nothing glorious about being a professional. Professionalism probably comes down to being able to work on a bad day.” We think he was being a bit grumpy. Compared to amateurism, professional copywriting saves you money, saves you hassle, and saves you time. And there’s something quite glorious about that.
Talk to Craft Words about professional copywriting that will help you stand out in a busy world. Contact us today.
All our projects start with a conversation. Maybe you’re not entirely sure what you need, that’s fine, we’re happy to explore it with you.