If there’s one thing life teaches you, it’s that you can’t be all things to all people. So let’s say one thing right up front: we don’t do pictures.
There are a thousand agencies out there who will design, draw, art direct, visualise, video, paint, sculpt, whatever. But we’re specialists.
Words are what we’re good at, and frankly, good writing is what’s mostly missing from the crazy world of marketing right now.
Craft Words are experts and specialists in verbal branding. What’s verbal branding? It’s not so strange. Everyone is so used to visual branding: logos, colours, brand spokespeople and mascots, typefaces etc. Verbal branding is the way a brand speaks. Its tone of voice. In other words, its personality.
Imagine if you took all the personality out of a friend’s voice. They wouldn’t be ‘them’ anymore. They’d be like a robot or a dalek. It’s the same with brands. If they speak like everyone else in their category, or they’re cautiously bland, or inauthentically cheery, or boringly self-focused, they’re hard to engage with. Successful brands are those we like. Brands we feel ‘get’ us. Brands with whom we have some kind of rapport.
Don’t worry, we haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid. We’re not talking about customers becoming ‘brand advocates’ or part of a ‘community’. But what we do know is that people buy from brands they like. They don’t necessarily give it much thought as they’re wandering round Tesco on autopilot, or shoving the same old items into an online basket. But brand personality just adds that little extra that helps a product make it over the line.
Our job is to make sure your brand is expressed in every nook and cranny of your business. From the website to social media, from the privacy policy to the contact page, from your advertising to your speeches, from your presentations to your white papers, packaging to recruitment ads. It’s too easy (and common) for brands to be inconsistent. As a customer, it’s confusing at worst, and disappointing at best.
While we don’t do pictures, we’re kept busy doing a hell of a lot of other things brands urgently need. And of course, we partner with other specialists when words alone aren’t enough.
We regularly put our heads together with design agencies to provide joined up solutions. After all, we may not do pictures, but we do want to ensure our clients’ lives are made easier.
Verbal branding is crucial but too often overlooked. Isn’t it time you talked to the people who don’t do pictures?
To find out what Craft can do for you, please get in touch.
All our projects start with a conversation. Maybe you’re not entirely sure what you need, that’s fine, we’re happy to explore it with you.