
Finding the beating heart behind the tech machine






Content Content Strategy Copywriting Tone of voice

Sngular uses the power of tech to improve lives. 

But they were struggling to write about their services and products in a way that was consistent and consistently human.

The risk was that people would miss the genuinely great things Sngular was going. Because they were just buried beneath a mountain of tech speak.

And if the brand voice didn’t sound consistent across Sngular’s range of industries and services, it would be hard for potential customers to connect with the brand.

So they tasked us with the challenge of developing copywriting that established a consistent brand voice across everything they did and that shone a light on the human stories behind the tech.


Getting personal  

Sngular deals with some pretty complex concepts. Bringing them to life in a way that sounds human and consistent can be challenging. 

We dug deep and unearthed the human angle on some really technical projects – whipping their web copy into shape, crafting case studies and developing video scripts for a positioning campaign.

All the while making sure that their brand voice stayed consistent across each touchpoint. 

By creating clear, focused and engaging stories, we helped Sngular show the difference tech can make to people’s lives.

It soon became clear that while Sngular were doing some incredible work, their message was getting bogged down in all the technical drudgery. Their copy was dry and jargon-heavy, focussing on features and solutions rather than the tangible results they brought their clients.

We also saw that the tone of voice wavered between deliverables. Case studies were sounding different depending on which industry they focussed on. Web copywriting was sounding different again and videos were out on their own. 

They needed simple, clear tech copywriting that sounded consistent wherever it was showing up. Copywriting that focussed on the human benefits behind the innovations as well as showcasing the abilities of Sngular’s specific teams. Tech copywriting that would tell a clear brand story their intended audience would not only understand, but connect with. 

We’ve got lots of experience in understanding complex tech clients like Sngular and presenting what they do in a clear and simple way. A way that anyone can understand, but that doesn’t patronise the expert audience. So we were keen to roll up our sleeves.

We re-wrote much of their web copywriting, redefining the different industry sectors Sngular works with and crafting compelling client case studies. The aim was to show how Sngular’s innovations could unlock companies’ untapped value. We did it by turning dense jargon-laden copywriting into accessible language without dumbing down their offering. A delicate balance we’re used to handling.

We also worked on campaign copywriting for a positioning project based on their new tagline ’Adaptive Advantage’. By turning employees’ personal stories of their career journeys into video scripts for short films, we helped Sngular showcase the power of adaptability in an engaging way.

We augmented Sngular’s existing tone of voice with our own easy-to-follow traits. This meant that we could look after the brand voice and make sure they sounded the same wherever they showed up. 

Working side by side 

Much of Sngular’s content was extremely complex so it took some real digging to get to the heart of what they were trying to say. We soon realised it would take a deep understanding of the intricacies of their expertise to turn their tech talk into clear, impactful copy. 

We worked closely with the team to get to grips with the nuances of their needs and conducted face to face interviews with Sngular’s industry experts. This helped us close any knowledge gaps and breathe life into the most complex technical concepts. 

By turning lifeless tech solutions into relatable human stories, we helped Sngular position themselves with authenticity, building credibility and setting them apart in a fiercely competitive and ever-changing tech arena.

So why does all this matter? 

Maintaining brand voice is difficult when you’re writing about a range of different industries. Those verticals have a way impacting how you sound. We worked with Sngular’s existing tone of voice to make sure that wherever we showed up, we sounded like us. 

We also made sure that we dug into each subject to find the human in the humdrum. To step away from the cold tech and into the warm real-world benefits for real people.  


Sngular’s copywriting sounded more consistent across multiple touchpoints, sounded more human and benefit driven. Overall, more people could understand the brilliance of what Sngular was doing and connect with it.


We can do the same for you.

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